Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Biblical Wife

1) A Worker at Home

It is clear that God has given the home to women as their domain. Man are called to lead and provide for their family and we are called to care for our home and our family. Women struggle with many different areas, but being lazy in your home and also being too busy and out of the home often can lead to a wife who isn't fulfilling her role in this area. This is not to say that women should only be in the home, nor is it to say that they should never work outside of the home. As my husband always says, don't hear what I'm not saying. What I am saying is this: a wife's primary responsibility is their home.

We see that God calls women to be workers at home many times in Scripture (Titus 2:3-5, 1 Timothy 5:14-15) and we have an excellent example from the Proverbs 31 women and can learn a valuable lesson from her. She was always busy working within and for her home.

"She looks for wool and flax, and works with her hands in delight…She rises also while it is still night, and gives food to her household, and portions to her maidens…She considers a field and buys it, from her earnings she plants a vineyard…her lamp does not go out at night… She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle… all her household are clothed with scarlet…She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple…She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies belts to the tradesmen…She looks well to the ways of her house, and does not eat the bread of idleness."  Proverbs 31:13, 15-16, 18-19, 21-22, 24, 27
Instead of feeling discouraged at how much the Proverbs 31 wife does, we should feel encouraged by her example and strive to emulate her. God gives the home to us as our domain and we should strive to be hard workers at home.

2) Love

All Christians are called to generally love, but wives are specifically called to love their family. Older women are instructed to train the younger women in how to live a Godly life:

"And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." Titus 2: 4-5
The kind of love that God calls wives to isn't conditional and based upon feelings. This kind of love isn't the kind that you can "fall out" of. It isn't an optional love, it's a commandment. Martha Peace shares in  The Excellent Wife:

"Godly love is not primarily a feeling, it is a choice. It will help you show love if you will think objectively (Biblically), not subjectively (based on feelings)" Page 84.

3) Respect for your husband

Most modern TV shows and movies portray husbands as goofballs and not responsible enough to  do anything but sit around and watch football. But as Christians, we know that this isn't what a Godly husband should look like. And yet, Christian women often treat their husbands like the wives on those TV shows. They scold their husbands and treat them like they are children. But this isn't how God instructs Godly women to act.

"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Ephesians 5:33
Often, when a husband loves their wives the way they should, it is easy for a wife to respect her husband. Likewise, when a wife shows respects to her husband, it is easier for them to show love the way they should. While this is usually a nice trade off, it doesn't always work. Even if a wife doesn't feel loved by her husband, this isn't an excuse to not show respect to her husband. Why? Because God commands it.

4) Intimacy (response to husband)

Of course this is the big one, intimacy. So many wives struggle with this in their marriage and many husbands and wives feel less than satisfied in their sex life. Peace shares, "The sexual bond between husband and wife is a gift from God for the enjoyment of physical intimacy and the procreation of life. All that God created is good, and physical intimacy is no exception" Pg 119.

God created sex within marriage, and He created it as gift for us. But some wives can struggle to see this as a gift and only as an obligation instead. There is a lot more to be said on this subject,  but the bottom line is that God does intend for each couple to have a sex life that is fulfilling for both husband and wife.

"Let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have  authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time that you may devote yourselves to prayer" 1 Corinthians 7:2-5. 

5) Submission

Submission is such a touchy subject today, but it is clear what Scripture teaches on the subject. Those who find excuses in order to ignore it are doing just that, making excuses and not looking to Scripture as their final authority. In a Biblical marriage, where both spouses are striving to live their God-given roles, the husband would ideally lead his wive lovingly and she would graciously submit.

This leading and submitting would be mutually beneficial and ultimately glorifying to God. However, a husband doesn't always lovingly lead and the wife doesn't always graciously and loving submit. But this doesn't excuse either side from their roles. Submission is a much bigger topic than can be addressed in these few paragraphs, so to explore more on submission I highly recommend these resources:

Thank You,
Jireha Davis

Monday, March 23, 2015

Trust Me

Why do people say trust me then do things that make you not want to? Why delete messages if you have nothing to hide. Why let your bm continue to talk inappropriately? I wish you were single so i can spend time and go out. I want to talk but i don't think i should say. Um no bitch you probably shouldn't. And what happened to only talking about the kids? What happened to cutting her off. Why did you not say if its not about the kids don't bother? Oh that's right, I'm your bitch. Your dog 🐕 right. Your pet? That must make you my master right daddy? But you think it's petty and you don't care. Don't you even see the principal of keeping your word? Was getting caught cheating with this bitch not enough? She may not find better but I'm starting to think that's just because she doesn't deserve it.

Not to mention you have a toothache so that makes its OK to be a dick to me all day? Even with your sorry. I've taken care of you. You found a same day appointment. Why didn't you know about this place when it was me? And i worked all day through mine. Had to pay 20 for the er and your meds were only 18 shit. I'm never as important as you. Not even to myself. Shit we both worried about you...Trust me

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Wondering what lesson I'm supposed to be learning here...i feel like I'm nothing. Like I'm just here for how i benefit others. When the person you want to spend the rest of your life with would rather sleep than talk to you, makes you wonder why you're there. Spent my life waiting to be the most important thing to someone. Hell anyone. But no one wants me. They just want what i can do for them. Its like whatever i want everyone else wants the opposite...why would anyone want to give me anything anyway. Who cares about being faithful or monogamous when you got a girl who would rather give you permission to fuck everyone than risk you cheating. Who cares about foreplay when you gonna nut regardless. Who cares about how much pain I'm in if they can't feel it...nobody. I just want to be the center of attention to somebody who genuinely can't get enough of me. That will never happen.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Why ME

"You keep saying sexually single..  I just want to be able to fk a bitch from time to time without coming home and be accused of cheating or arguing about the shyt.... I'm so tired of all the petty shyt... You don't don't like sex as much as i do... Yes i said that cause i just want to bust a nut with another bitch and you don't... I just want to be able to tell you yes i am horny as hell and you jump me but no, you don't... You get mad for how horny i am sometimes cause that's "THE ONLY THING ON MY MIND".... I just want to fk freely... If i cant fk you and I've already fkd myself possibly 3-6 times already... WTF"

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Birthday Wishes

All I wanted was a proposal...its been a month. The mailman has came. What else are you waiting on? So many opportunities. I feel like not only have I earned it I've earned saying no if I wanted to. Like he was so worried about me still saying yes when he proposes but still has no intention on asking! I'm just over it at this point. He wants me to let him in and to be happy and all this stuff that requires trust but won't commit. Why should I trust a cheater who'd risk losing me over $300! All I can think about is how that baby could be his. And how I'm still gonna probably be right here even if she is waiting on him to want me enough. What's wrong with me?

Saturday, February 7, 2015


I'm so tired of the same shit all the time. How is it no one ever seems to know How to take care of or look out for me. Most of what I do for others is what I want done for me. If I fall asleep in my clothes wake me up so I can take them off. Like simple shit. How many times do I have to explain it. I'm just gonna have to look out for myself and I'm having a hard time with that. Like how hard is it to think about me. Maybe I'm just being a child and need to realize I'm the only one that gives 2 fucks about me falling asleep in my clothes. Should probably stop caring about anyone else too.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Why do you have to lie to me? I paid attention to you listened to you and read between the lines. I took the time to figure out on my own what was going on. I came to you, talked to you. I did my job as a good gf and checked up on how you were feeling. Then you basically tell me to leave it alone. Its bad enough fb knew how you felt before I could put the pieces together...

But you just gone hit her up and vent. Tell her what's on your mind and get her support for your decision. Tell her how you cried and how she's made you feel. Still hurting over y'all relationship and letting her talk shit. If it ain't her reminiscing its you.

Top all that with a bold faces lie to my face. Nope I ain't talk to her about how I feel. Stop worrying. I tell you it's hard not to worry (because I love you duh) and you come back with "if I leave now will you feel better". Wtf! Really? First you lie then be an ass. Oh and I'm dying to know what she knows/can do to "ruin Wtf you got going on". And you wonder why I don't trust you easy. Y'all not even supposed to be friends like that anymore. You say she owe you her life for the shit she said in that video but she threaten you and you shut all the way up. What's really going on? I guess I got stupid tattooed on my forehead right? Here I am having dreams about you killing yourself and leaving your kids and I but you can't even be honest with me.

She more upset about having to take care of the kids than anything happening to you. Don't even realize you wasn't talking about running away with me but possibly taking a 🔫 to your fucking head! Who the fuck do you really think is in your corner? That means when you pull the trigger your blood is on my hands. Not hers. She gone let you do what you do and as far as the kids in her eyes she ain't gonna be doing nothing she don't do already. She gonna tell you she still loves you but basically don't care. But I'm the one you lie to. I'm the one in this situation with you. Fucking kill me too then shit.

Friday, January 30, 2015


I feel like everything I wanted/needed I put away or on hold and now I'm just left empty. The same feelings I had a year ago I still have and that just lets me know nothing is going to change. I have no motivation and I don't feel like doing shit anymore. Been doing the same song and dsnce for over 2yrs and I'm tired. I don't see this relationship making it past this situation we're in. Even if it does I'm just gonna have to do more and not get much more than I already do in return. Can't ask a question without attitude nor talk without a fight. Not even really trying to get out cus it feels like it's gonna end on it's own. He wants something I'm not and I've changed enough for others. Clearly I need to start worrying about myself. Maybe I just need to take a step back. I'm not trying to hurt anyone but my heart's already been broken enough. Feeling detached. Maybe I need to disappear and start over. No more relationships for me. Done dating and compromising my beliefs and goals. When this one is done with me I think it's just gonna be me myself and I. No babies yet or probably ever so I'm just gonna have to get myself on a schedule and do me. Whatever that is...got about 5 rings I need to get rid of too. So sick of being lost and in a hole too deep to care about getting out of. So much bottled inside with no outlet. No one will ever love like I do especially me so I need to get over it. Yet another sacrifice. It hurts being me. Barely ok enough to function at this point but I'm trying to not waste away completely. What more am I gonna have to lose/give up? Then again I don't really care about me so why would any1 else right.

1/19/15 Do Us a Favor

Finally  got over something just to have it come back worse. Couldn't you have just been genuine and love me? Why'd it have to be some sneaky sly shit that you tried to take back after it was too late. Why cant you just leave me alone. I'm tired of constantly wondering what's going on, how you feel. I end up just stuck waiting cus not even god wants what I want. When its all said and done I'm just gonna be alone with nothing. Be patient... What the fuck for. Sometimes I just want to end it so I'm not so stressed out anymore. No body cares about me but me so just let me be. String me along for what? If you wanted to you would so clearly you don't want to so just go. Why are you still here? Do you like hurting me? You want a wife and all this stuff and I barely feel like a gf. I don't want to give myself away for nothing anymore. Why do people think its OK to do this to me. I'm always making mistakes, never doing anything right. I'm trying so hard to live a life I want and like but I can't do it by myself and no one wants to do it with me. My convictions, my beliefs, the path I want my life on, none of those things matter not even to me cus I'll compromise it all just for someone to stay. My heart is broken, my trust betrayed, and clearly not all ends are tied. I'm so tired for being the bad guy for being emotional or thinking. I'm tired of hurting. Can no one love me like me? No one understands or they don't care. Why would they?

(to self) Its all your fault. You let people treat u however hoping they'll love you more when really it just makes you unworthy of their love and affection. Why would anyone want a door mat. Hell you were raped cus you quit fighting, who would want that. Who would want you? That love me crying shit is why no one wants you now. Even a piece of shit like drew didn't want you. You should definitely be alone. Go do the world a favor.

1/13/15 Anniversary

So I barely get any hugs kisses. Horny all day tell him. House to ourselves still nothing. He plays the video game gets gifts. At dinner tells me he got me an engagement ring but lost it (fell out his pocket) and needs help looking. After dinner I ask if he looked for it already (no), did he want to look (no). Get in the house still doesn't touch me have to get in his face to get a kiss goodnight cus he's already back on the game. I go to sleep just to get woke up an hr later cus he's gotta nut to go to sleep. 10min later I'm completely unsatisfied and wide awake, he's snoring. He enjoyed the shit outta his day and little does he know I cried earlier today cus I just wanted a real kiss that I didn't have to ask for first, at least today...

Morning, after I found the rings in the car under his seat, he gives them both to me tells me its not just a present happy anniversary its the wrong ring....so no proposal and I can't even wear them cus they only fit that finger. Later that day he says he was going to propose in the morning before work but he didn't and could have.

I think I helped him change his mind. He has them and still hasn't and its the 6th...you ask your baby mama 4 times all no's but won't ask me....he's not ready.

Worse he doesn't think I'll keep him happy.

Update (1-30) bought a different ring and still nothing. He don't want to. He's not ready.

New Years 2015

OK my NY didn't completely suck but...no one asked me if I wanted to go to a show. NY eve had sex took a nap then waited Hrs for rob to get up. Last min throw on work clothes and buy him weed and Paul. Get there and basically fend for myself as he talks to everyone and enjoys himself. Midnight rolls around and no kiss cus he's not even by me. He drank all the champagne. He had fun. It was all about what he wanted. I couldn't even take off my hat my outfit wasn't nice at all. Idk it was OK but not really. All I did was try to keep him happy and he had a ball but what about me. Now he's got a headache and blah blah so I guess my year is all set for servitude... I'm not sure what else I'm here for. Oh and I was told I'm not the backbone/motivator he needs. I have not been told I love you yet and I'm sure I'll be wrong if I bring any of this up to him. I just wanted to spend time with him. I wanted him to want to be with me. Not looking around after everyone has said happy new year cus it just clicked you're nowhere near me. Then ask can I get my kiss...really? He says he follows me all the time but he doesn't. We don't do what I want or go where I want. I'm just an extension of him. Well his year started good I guess. Even my birthday is supposed to be all about what he wants and I have to share it with his sister he doesn't even talk to...sometimes I feel like I should just be alone cus that's the only way I'll be number one, is if I'm the only one.

12/23/14 Feeling Alone & Unloved

Wishing I had someone to talk to...don't nobody GAF about me. Gotta spell shit out and still nobody gets it. When was sympathy something you had to explain to people. Why is it I'm always asking or doing too much and I ain't asked for shit. I say I don't feel good and in response get what you want. I don't remember asking for shit and to answer your question I want to feel better, can you do that? Just get over it right. Who tf want to rub my back or just hold me? But that don't matter cus at the end of it all I'm the one rubbing backs even still in more pain than I can describe. It hurts to think but I'm wrong for having an attitude cus you're asking me stupid questions. Is it too much for someone to just give a fuck or act like it I'm supposed to jump and baby care for but no I pass out fucking instructions and still nobody does it or cares to. Feel like I'm worse than shit but that'd be giving myself a compliment.

10/31/14 Ummm..

So my bf and I work for the same company. He just got a raise and a promotion. They made him a manager of his own area. They will not let me pick up more hrs in his area because of "conflict of interest". Ok fine I get it, now he's a boss so I can't work under him. He didn't fight it or nothing, whatever. We need the extra $ but I'll find something else. *the vent begins* this mf has the nerve to promise his bm (who has a 2wk old baby and healing from a C section) a job with him by Wednesday! Wtf! So your gf the one who pays bills with you is a conflict but you think your bm isn't. This bitch still loves him and is not over him. You really think I'm gonna let that slide? She talking about him giving her rides until her first paycheck!?! No. Of course he hasn't said shit to me. He gave her the I need someone I can count on line and I'm like mf that's what I told you. He takes the kids to school and doesn't tell me (they live with her) then usually ends up back at her house to talk. While I'm at work trying to pay bills. I could scream. I can't wait to see what happens cus I will blow the whistle and get her removed. She was even gonna let him drive her car but ninja I bought the one you drive now and its his. My car is still waiting on him to fix. It's 40° outside and your son has on shorts and no coat but you wont say shit to his mama for allowing it. You'll yell at him tho for it. If his mama let him she's wrong not the 8yr old. I'm about ready to just walk away. She talking about she wishes she was up when he got the kids so they could talk more...MORE Ive been begging you to talk to me. Then you use taking me to work as you're excuse like Im the one in the way but you had to be at work less than an hr later your damn self. He want to step up and be daddy to all 3 of her kids but only one is his. Did I mention the 2wk old....she just had a baby by the dude she cheated on you with yrs ago that she tried to rub in your face and you feel obligated to take care of the baby? Cus he's a deadbeat....hows that y(our) problem? That baby is here cus she got caught up trying to make him jealous and now you're gonna help her take care of it. I'm too through! *vent over*

8-11-14th Who Am I

Doing it again I see and right to my face. I almost wish I was talking to drew or Michael but I'm not like you. I hate feeling like I can't trust you. Why can't you just be open and honest? I thought we were done with this shit but no now you're feeding into it. Its been almost 2yrs just since we've been together, why are you STILL talking to your ex girlfriend about who did what in y'alls relationship. Its not ok. Y'all clearly aren't over it enough to leave it alone. You can't just be parents. It worse cus you try to hide it or keep me away...fuck that. Lol you said next time she started some shit you were gonna take care of it. Idk exactly what was said and I don't expect the extreme but instead you indulge her and go into BS that's history and over. You already broke my trust so many times with this shit and I keep repairing it but I'm to the point of fuck it. You can't be honest with me you want to keep playing games so fine. I'm just gonna find out for myself...it literally eats at me to sneak but I'm so tempted just cus I know there's shit you're hiding. Even just to know exactly what was said. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust you and its all you're fault. You'd rather sneak and hide and defend your behavior while demanding trust vs just being open and earning it. This will continue to be an issue if you don't learn you can't fuck with me. Even with this you'd think you never shoulda told me vs you shoulda just let me know what happened. I guess apart of you still loves...w/e! Giving birth to your son doesn't mean she always has a place in your heart it means he does. She don't even make sure he washes his ass. You don't care if I have your child, don't give a fuck that I've lost so many and the fact that you say you want to marry me don't make me special cus this bitch coulda been had you as much as you begged. Got me sitting here paying for your kids while again y'all continue to act like I'm separate from y'all. W/e I see how much I'm respected and valued. Gotta give respect to get it right? Fine.

8/6/14 Yeah Right!

Why is it no matter what I do I keep getting the same lines? Shit is just all too familiar. Just because I don't want to go anywhere doesn't mean I won't. You don't get forever from me until I say I do. I'm not gonna just sit here waiting another 6mo another year +. Been there done that and I'm not doing it again. You have been unsatisfied and tried to change almost everything about me with much success but I'm done. Done being your wife. Wtf is with y'all thinking its ok to just string me along cus I'll follow. Its partially my fault for breaking my own rules but I no longer need to wait for the shit to hit the fan to know when to go. I told you I had a limit. Even you said your bday but we both know that ain't gonna happen. Not to mention you ain't had your 3some yet so that's more waiting and uncertainty...

8/5/14 What's Wrong

What's wrong with me are all things we've already talked about. Marriage, moving, babies/MC, ferrets, money, sex... these are all things I don't control. I've been low the last few days mostly from not eating. The week before had a lot to do with losing another baby. It doesn't mean anything to you but it does to me and I was doing a lot of grieving. You don't "talk it out" especially if you already know you can't solve it. Makes it impossible to "talk it out" with you. Its not good to keep it in, especially for me, and with all that's been going on I broke down. I've been trying to get back to were I was but I can't help but cry sometimes, I'm human. You may not see it but I've changed and Ive been happy. I'm not perfect and sometimes the only way I know how to deal or let things out is by crying. You've made it clear you're done talking about most of what's getting to me so I don't bother trying. It always turns into an argument.

8/5/14 Unblessed Home

We seem to have forgotten that when times get hard, that is the very best time to become a family. That is the very best time to combine forces and try to make it together. That’s what our grandparents did, and our great grandparents did. They took each other in worse, and worked together to create better...So. To all of you waiting and wondering? You don’t get perfect. You just get someone that you want to spend imperfect with. And that is the biggest gift in the world.

The way I see it, you don't need everything to be perfect to get married. There's not some magical algorithm for how you know when things are finally just right. There's no magic amount of money to have saved in the bank. There's no perfect configuration of jobs and school and family and duration of relationship.

Unfortunately, putting off marriage indefinitely can have unintended negative consequences, especially for couples who are fit for marriage in every way except financially.

But none of that matters cus I don't control how I live my life. What I want for me and my future family is irrelevant cus at the end of the day I'm not in control of shit. Being right with my god and what I feel is right in my heart and spirit don't mean anything. Continue to push and struggle because nothing is truly being blessed here. Not even allowed a child. But its all about money and financial stability which doesn't even exist....not sure why I even bother anymore. My life doesn't belong to me. Can't even have a conversation. Who even noticed I changed? Who cares. I ready to just give up, drew was enough yet here I am walking some of the exact paths again. I should just go. This isn't where I should be.


So just cus you want it, it must be so? Its now required for you to fuck another bitch before you'll marry me. We can't elope and even if we have 2 weddings its all about what you want. I will never have real support from my family, never know what it's like to be in a big beautiful gown, I don't even expect gifts from most people no matter how much of an advanced notice they get. I just want to do what feels right to me, unfortunately that's not forcing my way on others. You say you got a date in mind but that just means there's an invisible timeline I have no clue about and I'm positive its nowhere near soon for the marriage part...to think I thought it might have been at least a little possible to get married today. Its gonna be drew all over again...you need another bitch to show me what you can do? You don't even go long enough to satisfy me and yet I keep pulling new shit out the bag. You can't keep up but you're not gonna have any problems with another bitch. She's the key to unlock what I shoulda been getting. Why? Even after what drew did you don't care. You're gonna take off the condom youre gonna be so focused on you and this new key bitch I'm literally gonna be ignored or only there to add to what you want. What I want doesn't matter. You're way or the high way, then when I do it that way I'm not independent enough...there's no pleasing someone as spoiled and selfish as you...you said that one yourself...you just don't realize you're not the only one unsatisfied.  I don't see you tryna do shit about it either. Lol oh wait, I meant other than forcing me to watch you fuck someone else and give what apparently I don't qualify to get by myself. Selfish bastard, even your tat ain't got shit to do with me if you don't want it to.

Blind 1/31/14

Blind as a bat, can't read between the lines? Do you just not care cus you're too busy looking over there? Don't worry about me I've been here before. Left alone in the dark fighting a silent war. Doesn't really matter who wins its about the battle and the blood. Praying begging god to bring another flood. Wipe the slate clean do something good for mother earth. Made a mistake saving humans cus all they do is hurt. Spoiled and selfish afraid to tell the truth. Fucked up thing is till the end I'd be there if this were you...