So a little birdie told me today that they actually read my blog. (Thanks S) I have kinda updated the ladies on NW's forum and some things have changed in the week since my last post so I figured I'd get everyone up to speed. I still have not received my settlement but unfortunately it looks like it might not be where me and my lawyer originally thought that it would be. This definitely affects all of my plans and I may have to come up with a plan D E & F at this point. As of right now because nothing is finalized I am still hoping to move to Columbus and become an SMBC. Due to the current change of events however I may not be able to do 1 the other or either so of course ttcing has been put on hold until further notice. Scary as it sounds I may not actually even have the funds to move somewhere within my current city making me broke and homeless. Of course I can always stay with family until I get some funds but I'm trying to avoid that at all costs. I have been against finding a job in Indianapolis right now because I wanted to move out of the city but I think I'm going to go ahead and break down and find something just in case. It's amazing what can happen in 7 days. It's sad that I was hit by a truck and may end up with less money than I had the day I was struck but at least my medical bills will be taken care of as well as my lawyer, go figure. Now I find myself hoping for the best and preparing for the worst but thankfully I have some idea of where to go from here. At least finding a job and a place to stay in my hometown will be a lot easier and if I can find something soon I may be back on track to try early 2013. Last cycle was all over the place being at a record short of 25 days and I o'ed 2 days early. Even if I had 1,000,000 dollars right now there's no way I'd be able to insem this month as I ovulate Christmas Day! I wanted to keep tracking anyway so I'd still be inseming sometime around January or February without all the new hassles of my settlement issue. Realistically I'm probably looking at March or April at the earliest because I still have to move. I think staying in our hometown will actually work out a little better at least for right now because BM will have a better chance of coming with me, as she's been worried about money issues too. It's still out of my hands and I'm just preparing and waiting to see what happens. Who knows $anta might give me a good gift this year. Thank you all who read my blog and please send prayers good wishes and baby dust my way. Have a good holiday if I don't post by Xmas.
This is my life. Pursuing motherhood, love, and happiness. Things that are on my mind and a glimpse into my head. My life is like a movie, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Back to Basics
Oh my it has been far too long. I have found myself mentally back where I started. I am leaving the ultimate decision up to God. Depending on my settlement I'll be going with plan A B or C. I still very much want to go to Columbus and be a mom but I'm taking it outta my hands. I am going to start a vlog on YouTube if I indeed become a smbc. I've been doing all kinds of thinking and I'm just super excited about the future. Other than that things are just kinda slow. It is officially the second week in December and by the new yr things should be rolling. It coming close but I'm trying to stay faithful. I wish I had more the say but really life is just day to day. Need to start doing something's for moving like going through the boxes in the attic. I'm a lil behind on my timeline but some things I just can't do yet. Hopefully I'll have some news to share and progress to report in a week or so. Also I wanted to share that I've joined pintrest and I love it! Can't wait to start using it at the new place. Oh and I finally got my tat colored. Blue snowflakes on my leg, so pretty.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Feedback They Can Take Back
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Fourth Trimester – AKA: Why Your Newborn is Only Happy in Your Arms.
Saw this and had to share. This lady makes so great points. I've been considering baby wearing and co-sleeping but the only seemed popular for such a small group of moms tho a couple are becoming more mainstream. I'm glad to know I was thinking in the right direction. Its not for everyone but I'm sure most babies would love this. Enjoy.
My research is never done lol.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What's Going On
So its been forever since i have updated...
Sorry I've been busy. I am finally making another trip to Columbus with baby mama! yay! Tuesday we are headed down to check everything out and hopefully get some things in place. I still haven't found a job ;( but i have been tutoring a lil to make some cash. i was also able to talk to someone who was able to let me talk with my passed grandparents (yes i believe in that) but unfortunately they are about the same as everyone else. My papa basically said do what makes you happy and my granny would prefer i stay where i am. i think I'm just gonna quit looking for someone to say "that sounds like a great idea" and just do it anyway. No one is gonna be excited about what society says is about the worst idea ever (having a baby alone on purpose) and i need to just except that and move on. i still feel like I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack on a semi regular basis but i think that's just my own personal fear of truly having to do this with everyone telling me not to. Only a few are saying do what makes you happy but even they don't think its a good idea. I'm struggling but I'm forcing myself to only worry about me.
ttc update: i am just a couple days from af and have done all my tracking for this cycle and I'm up in arms over it. i never got a positive opk and according to my temps i o'ed 3 days later than expected. I'm hoping this next cycle will be better. just waiting on af now. December is still on for inseming.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Peace and Serenity
I have been having a hard time deciding between what I want and what everyone else wants. I am always trying to keep everyone happy and that usually consists of forgetting about what I want. I think that might be partially why I still don't feel like an adult, I've been trapped in the ppl pleasing mode of adolescents. I'm 25 and I'm ready to stand on my own feet instead of rest on the approval of others. I'm such an independent person I never grasped being selfish like the rest of the world. Well its about damn time! I'm doing this and as far as anyone who doesn't approve (as M would say) f*ck 'em! You can't make everyone happy. I thought I had but then I realized the most important person I'm my life was miserable, me.
I feel so much better now. I am so at peace with my choice. I am buying a home, moving outta the city, and having a baby! Some people might not like it but its what I want and it'll make me happy. For once that's all that matters.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
I have felt like I wanted to go home for awhile now. Home meaning heaven/haven. Somewhere I felt safe, somewhere I could call sanctuary. I realize that's what I've been trying to build. That's why I've been doing all this planning and research. I'm not ready for heaven but I can still go home. Home may be where the heart is but my heart is in this. I feel as tho so much is at stake that I'm bound to fail. I can't fail, I need this, I need to go home.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Yesterday marked the last day of riding the Red Dragon. Today I start temping and opks start CD 10! I'm excited to be finally on top of things and using all the stuffs I bought. For this cycle I'll be sure to share what I find and all that funness.
On a different note, I'm getting nervous/anxious about moving and a baby and my life really. I'm physically affected when I think about how close everything is cutting it. I wanted to be more prepared, yet I'm right on schedule. Hell lets face it I'm ahead of the game. So why am I so panicked? Why do I have such a lack of faith in myself? I know if just jump, my God will catch me, it'll be ok.
My bff, who I <3 dearly and has always been there for me, said something about how long all this planning has taken and everything that has been in the way before. That got me thinking, its like now that I can see the cliff my go to reflex is to retreat. But every day I'm still researching, still stepping in that direction. Part of me has been terrified and I honestly haven't noticed in a while. Soon I'll have to jump or go back and going back isn't an option. I'm too close to not try. I mean its my dream I'm going after, I have to try. Don't I?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
I feel like in my last post I was being ungreatful. I really am blessed y'all, and I know it. I was hit by a truck and survived, my lawyer thinks we can reach a settlement early November (just in time), my best friend is on a big adventure yet I still get to talk to them often, I have everything I need to start tracking and CD 1 is today (;D yay!), bm has convinced me of her commitment to this plan with me, and I have an interview next Wednesday for what seems like a dream job. Things seem to finally be looking up and really do feel so thankful. I think I've even picked out the car I want, Saturn Ion 2/3 quad coupe 2005-7, I'm narrowing down floor plans, I've even started paying off my student loans. I feel like I can really do this and do it well. I'm tired of not doing my best. I am my own worst enemy, becoming my greatest ally.
Ttc update: Today is CD 1 of my 1/3 super tracking cycles. I will be taking my prenatal and naproxen, cramps. Cold Turkey no smoking and temping start CD 6. (Considering temping during mensus, hmmm. Thoughts?) I have a few more things I want/need to get but I've got time.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
What Happened?
I was having a good couple of days but right now I just want to cry. D is hanging out with his friend tonight. That doesn't bother me, what bothers me is that I was hit by a truck and was injured, spent the majority of this yr dealing with that AND having my heart ripped out and treated like shit by D. I've bailed his ass out financially and legally and took the time/made the effort to affect him as lil as possible emotionally. I've been through hell and back and find myself jobless damn near friendless no social life no money still doing everything for everyone but myself and I'm the one broke on a Saturday night bored as hell while D who has it so easy and deserves nothing he has is living it up. It's not fair. Why isn't karma kicking his ass? He's spoiled selfish ungreatful immature lazy irresposible untrustworthy unreliable and greedy. I'm none of these things yet its like he f**ks up and I get his consequences. I'm paying for his mistakes. I'm the one he screwed over hurt betrayed lied to tortured (the list continues) why am I being punished and him rewarded? I sacrifice (give him his way) just to make my life a lil easier and he won't even do what he's supposed to let alone anything extra that might benefit someone other than himself. I feel like had I died instead of just been hurt by this time my mom would probably be the only one who still thought about me. Well and D but mostly cus he'd finally realize all that I actually do. Sorry for the rant/vent, pms is starting and honestly I think I could be mildly bipolar. The better the day the harder the fall the next. Most days are neutral but ups are always followed by Downs and Downs always take time to get back neutral.
Friday, September 14, 2012
It came in the mail and I just couldn't wait. I have seen "the light", my cervix that is. My roomie took the pic (so not what he expected but he was helpful). I still say if inseming alone don't use the speculum cus you wont be able to see what you're doing but if you can prop up the light you can definitely see. My phone didn't take the best pic but you can see the opening. I'm CD19/27 so I am not ovulating.
What I did:
*laying on my back I propped up my hips with a pillow
*lightly lubed the outside of the spec
*inserted slowly sideways until all the way in
*rotated it slowly to the right position (handles up) this felt a lil uncomfortable but did not hurt.
*opened it slowly until fully open (again should not be painful)
*mine has a screw lock so I screwed it until locked in the open position
*at this point I grabbed the mirror and flashlight. Point the light inside will holding the mirror in the other hand. If you see a pink doughnut thats it. I found it almost impossible to take a pic myself but if you sit up a lil it might help.
To remove loosen the lock and slowly slide out. Remember to clean your spec after each use. Happy hunting.
*Note: the pic I sideways not my cervix*
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Christmas in September?
So like I said before I ordered some things online to get my ttc charting/tracking started and guess what? They're here! This is everything I have now to get started. And the green lantern thing is a pic of my saliva in the scope. I heard it helps to look at the days side by side so I figured out how to take a pic with my phone so I can share. Next is to figure out the cervix pic... dum bum bum! Wish me luck.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Bounce Back
So I received an email today from someone who used my top choice donor. They got a bfp first try!...BUT their DD has lots of medical problems and allergies. I'm scared now so I've taken him off my list. Also as an Asian lady with an Asian donor her DD does not look Asian. The lady thinks he may actually have mixed decent. So now I'm back to white but that's ok. I did some research and I think I've found a new top pick and backup. Took me about an hr to narrow the choice. I started with a search for only the 5 races I'm mixed with then all blood types other that the o's. Out of the 25 left more than half were limited.
Life has its ups and downs and just when you think you got it expect a curve ball. I've decided to live life to the fullest and each day like its my last. The sun always rises again. If life knocks you down, bounce back.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I once said you didn't need a speculum if doing in home inseming alone because you cant bend that way, well I found one on eBay for a lot cheaper than I expected so I am purchasing it to see if I can in fact bend that way. I believe that if I can get a magnified mirror I will be able to see my cervix and its position. I still do not recommend using it while actually inseming (I'll get to that) but for just viewing I think it may actually be beneficial. I hope to receive it in the mail in about a week then after "playing with myself" I will post again explaining what I did and my thoughts. I'm excited especially since I have never seen my cervix and therefore have never been able to track it. I'm purposely going over kill on all the tracking to A. give myself the best chance and B. cover all the basis for anyone interested. Temping seems difficult for some women to keep up with but if I can figure this out maybe someone will have a better chance of tracking o. Fx (fingers crossed) that I find some kind of way to figure this out. Wish me luck.
To be continued…
Saturday, August 25, 2012
10 Step Recipe to Make a Baby
I know this is a long time coming since it's the road I'm taking I should have done this a long time ago but here it is finally a step by step on in home inseming. I did find a website that explains it awesomely but mine will be specifically for in home alone ICI inseming with NW cryo bank. Something I can share with my fellow ttcers and so all of you out there can know exactly what I'm doing and maybe just maybe this might help someone out in their own ttc journey.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Tools For Your Box Pt. 2

One thing you'll need/want to have no matter which way you're ttc (trying to conceive) is an hpt. After that 10+ days wait you'll be glad you have one of these. You can get them at any grocery store but I recommend buying in bulk at or on eBay. Hpts measure the amount of LH in your urine. Not all tests are created equal; they measure a different amount per test. You can find some as sensitive as 10mlU which is just barely pregnant. Doctors don't even consider you pregnant until after 5mlU. These will have to be purchased online and are fairly cheap. Remember to use fmu and the lower the hcg level tested for the sooner you can test. Wait at least ten days b4 your first test. Also keep in mind hcg levels double ever two days do unless you are using a very sensitive test wait a day or so b4 testing again.

Now for those doing in-home ici something you have to have (unless using a bank) is some form of collection container. You may use a collection condom or sample cup to hold the seamen. Most important is to make sure it is clean.

Again for in-home ici as well as ici you will need a needless syringe. This will allow you to get the sperm where it needs to be once collected or taken from the thawed vial.

Another good thing to have is a sperm safe lube. I recommend preseed. It's also raved about on many ttc and pregnancy forums. Even if not traditionally baby dancing some women prefer to suck up a little b4 and after the seamen to make sure the not to lose any in the syringe when inseming. This also works great as a normal lube even if not ttcing. You can purchase this at most drug stores as well as online.

For all of you ttcers these are good positions to bdance and/or lay in for no more than 30min unless going to sleep after. Keeping your hips up helps to insure the sperm gets to where it needs to be. For the traditional ttcers its more important to enjoy yourself and your partner during and just relax in this position after.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Tools For Your Box

Another thing to consider doing is using opks (ovulation prediction kits). They look exactly like hpts (home pregnancy tests) and are used the same way (peed on or dipped). So for those of you poas (pee on a stick) addicts you'll love these. You should start these closer to your o day and stop once you get a positive. A chart I found helpful to know when to start opks goes as follows: for a 21 or 22 day cycle start testing on CD (cycle day) 5
23 day cycle start testing CD 6
24 test CD 7
25 CD 8
So on and so forth. I have a 27 day cycle so I should start CD 10. If you feel like you've missed it try starting sooner. The cart can be found on Something to know is that unlike hpts, opks are only positive if the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line. Opks only detect the surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) not actual ovulation. Once you receive a positive opk you will ovulate 24-48 hrs later. This is the space you should insem in. Opks should be done during the day after you've been up for awhile. Not with fmu (first morning urine) like an hpt. Also keep in mind (if you didn't know) it takes about 12 hrs for sperm to get where it needs to be so for ICI or traditional baby making keep that in mind for your timings. Opks can be purchased at any grocery or drug store but I recommend ordering in bulk online at or even cheaper on eBay.

Checking cm in general is a good way to help detect o as well. As you get closer to o most women experience increased cm of a more clear egg white consistency.
There are fertility monitors you can buy that do a lot of this for you but they are very expensive. You can get 5hpts 25opks and the microscope all for about 23 usd including shipping. The monitor is around 200+.
To be continued...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
So excited! I have found a bank that not only ships to my house but also does not require a doctor.
It is called NW cryobank. I have checked out there forum and connected with real ppl who have used using or considering them. I've heard good things. ;D Hope has been restored anew, thank you God.
I FAX my paperwork today and then I'll just be waiting on the money that's on it's way. I have also found 2 donors and I think I've decided on the winner. Keeping the second as a back up. They are both Chinese and have similar stats.
I will start looking for a job tomorrow and so far the car is holding up.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Light Bulb!
I cried and got pissed but now, I'm over it. My brain went into planning mode and I have a great idea for what comes next.
I've been wanting to go back working with kids for awhile. I figured I'd see what kinda schedule I was gonna have and work around that but now I can focus on just that. To be honest just the day b4 I found out I admitted I really didn't want to go back to my old job, I've been gone so long (8mo) it doesn't feel right.
Now that I've taken a look at the silver lining I realize I'm being set up perfectly for what I want. I know God will work something out. It looked dark but now I see I was actually done a favor. I didn't know how I was gonna tell my boss I was quitting just 6mo after being back but now I don't have to.
So here's the revised plan (which happens to be easier)...
*get organized
*get a job working with kids (preferably 0-5yrs)
*take care of car and bills
*find where I want to move (need to start making trips to Seymour)
*get into an exercise regiment
*finalize paper work and purchase supplies to start inseminating
*get school in order for Aug '13
*have baby
*live happily ever after :)
Not exactly in this order but that's the gist of it. Some things will be done simultaneously and others need something done first b4 they can be completed. I've been given a huge opportunity here and I plan to take full advantage. My faith has been restored anew and I'm in it to win it. So excited for my (hopefully soon "our") future!
It rained a lil yesterday (Mr X said no, no job), but the sun is definitely out today. Thank you God.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Second Thoughts
What about Asian?...
I'm so mixed I'm really only missing Asian and Hispanic. My cousin is Dominican so why not Asian. I've always seen myself with mixed children honestly.
Including some Afro-Asian baby pics. <3 Adorable!