It has come to my attention that in this smbc ttc journey there are a few things you should have to get the job done as effectively as possible. Especially if you're doing in-home inseming.

First and foremost you need a tracker for your cycle. With all the smart phones and internet these days there really is no reason not to have one. Even just to know when you'll start. For the purposes of ttc you will want one that lets you add and change data like temps and opks (I'll get to these). I have fertility friend which I recommend for ttcers. Currently I have the free mobile app version and if you learn how to read your chart (it has tutorials and quizes to teach you) you wont need to pay. I will say they offer specials via fb (WWW page only so you'll have to click desktop site at the bottom of your fb menu if on your mobile) and regardless its worth the money if you can afford it. It can be switched to a pregnancy tracker once pregnant as well. It predicts when I'll start but wont start a new cycle until I actually confirm a period. Same with ovulation.

Once you've found a tracker that works for you you'll want to consider purchasing a thermometer. It doesn't have to be a bbt (basal body thermometer/temperature) but it should be digital and go to the hundredth degree (.00). This will insure you get the most accurate change in temp and reading. Bbt is your lowest body temp when resting. You should take your temp everyday (@ the same time) as soon as you wake starting no later than the last day of your period. Record your temp into your chart or at least write it down and the time for later. It is important to be honest with yourself and your chart so try to be diligent in your schedule. Gf will actually graph your temps for you as you put them in so you can see what patterns your cycle may have. Remember to continue temping past ovulation as continuous high temps after the post ovulation spike could mean baby! You can get a bbt from any grocery or drug store. You can temp orally or vaginally but be consistent. One or the other, never both in a cycle and make a note if you switch from cycle to cycle (tho not recommended).

Another thing to consider doing is using opks (ovulation prediction kits). They look exactly like hpts (home pregnancy tests) and are used the same way (peed on or dipped). So for those of you poas (pee on a stick) addicts you'll love these. You should start these closer to your o day and stop once you get a positive. A chart I found helpful to know when to start opks goes as follows: for a 21 or 22 day cycle start testing on CD (cycle day) 5
23 day cycle start testing CD 6
24 test CD 7
25 CD 8
So on and so forth. I have a 27 day cycle so I should start CD 10. If you feel like you've missed it try starting sooner. The cart can be found on Something to know is that unlike hpts, opks are only positive if the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line. Opks only detect the surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) not actual ovulation. Once you receive a positive opk you will ovulate 24-48 hrs later. This is the space you should insem in. Opks should be done during the day after you've been up for awhile. Not with fmu (first morning urine) like an hpt. Also keep in mind (if you didn't know) it takes about 12 hrs for sperm to get where it needs to be so for ICI or traditional baby making keep that in mind for your timings. Opks can be purchased at any grocery or drug store but I recommend ordering in bulk online at or even cheaper on eBay.

Those alone should help you find the right time to insem and pinpoint your o day. If you don't like these or want to be extra prepared you can also use a saliva microscope. This I've only found online for purchase. What these do is similar to an opk in that they give you a heads up on when you'll o. This will show you the salt crystals in your saliva as they form a fern like pattern called ferning. As estrogen surges b4 you o (much like lh) salt builds in your saliva. What you do is first thing in the morning, same time you temp, put saliva from under your tongue on the scope and let it completely dry. As you get closer to o you will see it start to go from specks to branching to full on fern looking patterns. Then in reverse back to specks. The day of o will be full of ferns. Branching should occur around the same time of your positive opk. Some Scopes are made to see ferning in cm (cervical mucus) as well and others just cm. Again please be consistent the whole cycle and make a note if you switch. I recommend find which works best and stick with it to see the most accurate patterns from cycle to cycle. FF will allow you to enter this data daily into your chart as well as opk results.
Checking cm in general is a good way to help detect o as well. As you get closer to o most women experience increased cm of a more clear egg white consistency.
There are fertility monitors you can buy that do a lot of this for you but they are very expensive. You can get 5hpts 25opks and the microscope all for about 23 usd including shipping. The monitor is around 200+.
To be continued...
Fun fact for you: Did you know that if you go to the hospital thinking your water broke, one of the things they look for is ferning? They just swab you and put it on a slide and look under the microscope. If there is ferning, it is your water. Otherwise, you just peed yourself! Yeah I worked in L&D for 3yrs! I learned quite a lot! By the time I deliver, I will know everything from conception, pregnancy, delivery and post-partum! Ok not everything, but it is quite the fun learning experience! Of course I hope I get to learn the pregnancy part!