Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Truth is...

I know I'm not the one. You still can't say it. You SEE but it just isn't real. You don't want to lose me so you're just gonna stick it out? I want an equal partner and we aren't equal. You wont cook you barely clean you won't do diapers or really anything baby related. You just want to work and come home to a hot dinner a clean house and a wet pussy...this isn't 1950. I'm not even your wife and you have no intention on changing that any time soon. I'm the bread winner and I cook. Give you pussy when you want but you still aren't satisfied and have the nerve to complain I don't clean. There's nothing to wait on. New place new year. I don't get it...why am I not good enough? Can't even keep a baby. I gave birth on the couch the day after my birthday...27 sux already. Where is my help? My reward for being good? Instead I'm punished.

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