Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm moving!!! OMG I'm SO excited! ;D all the stuff I wanted is still available so I will be deciding what I am actually gonna get. I'm on CD 3 today, last cycle was a bfN :(. Its ok tho cus I had all these symptoms and this af visit has been almost...pleasant. minor annoyance at first but other than changing my pad I really haven't noticed. Tww went stress free and full of signs my body was getting used to bf's swimmers. Lots of "symptoms" and even a very faint bfP that ® and I both saw. He's still convinced I'm pregnant, and I read you could have basically a period if you implant close to the same time your period is supposed to start. It can take up to 12 days and I have a 12day LP and a 27day cycle. I don't think I am but stranger things have happened to me. :) On to February regardless. Thinking of using opks this cycle. Don't want to temp cus it just feels like "trying" and I've been a lot more positive "winging it". I pretty much know when I O and my 3day window but that, thankfully, has absolutely NOTHING to do with why nor when we work out ;) together. Opks are really more for the fun of poas and a lil insurance that my cycle hasn't thrown a curveball. Looking at a place tomorrow and planning on moving by 2-23-13!!! I can't wait, I just can't stand it. :D baby mama post still to come.