Tuesday, January 8, 2013

21 Days

This is partly so late cus I was afraid of what people might think but this is 2013, my blog, and my life. I can't make everyone happy and I personally have been so happy. Don't like it, that's your problem. So, here goes...

The last 3wks have been insane! 3 days after my last post my world was flipped upside down. I went and hung out with a friend from hs (R) and after 4hrs we were smitten. We have seen each other almost every day since 12/18/12. We've talked about the future and I've been good about letting go of the (my) past. We started talking kids probably the first or second day, ® has 2 and was thinking about a 3rd. What single guy thinks about having a kid let alone a 3rd while in his mid 20's? He has only contributed DNA to one but regardless he has 2. That of course opened the door for me to share about becoming an smbc. We talked about how it worked and donor sperm and my plans. He seemed interested in the overall topic and possibly being a KD (known donor) within a co-parenting situation. He's tall Carmel pretty eyed and mixed so I planned to give it some thought. As the first week came to an end it was clear we were falling. We spent new years together with bm including a kiss at midnight :). We spent most that week talking, learning new things about each other, catching up, and spending time together. We are very much on the same page with each other and in life. (Except he already is a dad) On the first anniversary of my accident, January 3 2012, I was once again hit and knocked off my feet. HE TOLD ME HE LOVES ME!!! I said it back and mean it with all my terrified lil heart. <3 The next day we were an official couple and 4 days later here we are today happy and in love. ;D We are on a 90day no sex rule that we are trying hard to keep. Yes I know this all sounds crazy and like we are moving at the speed of light but idc. He's amazing and I may not know about tomorrow but today is a happy one.

So what about ttc and moving and all that? Now that you're up to speed here's the deal... ® (aka the bf [eek!]) Is on the fence still about us having a kid so soon especially with how things ended up. (See we haven't completely lost our minds) I, however, am not delaying becoming a mom and that's been made clear. I have been racking my brain on it, now not as thrilled about using a donor, but ultimately I see how he feels about his oldest that's not blood and I know my lil one will be loved regardless. Also if he decides not to try with me its not like I don't have another option. I kinda tracked this cycle with temps. I only narrowed it to 3days instead of actual o day and didn't use opks but thanks to a consistent LP and now being on CD 3 I am confident of my o day. This cycle I will be temping but no opks again. Funny thing is I o the day our 90days is up in March. That wasn't on purpose btw.

Bm and I are still moving together in February and ® will be moving somewhere close as he too is looking for a place. (Same page thing see) I am looking to get my CDA and start working in a daycare. We both have some loose ends to tie but things are going well for me, thank you Jesus! Y'all know I was not the happiest camper. My lawyer is doing his job and getting some things taken care of so that is good. It might not be as bad as I feared. Keep praying for me. Life has a way of reminding you to stay on your toes. Much like babies it can and usually will change in the blink of an eye. Time seems to be going so fast right now and I'm going along for the ride. I've been waiting for something to turn around, get better, and boy I was not expecting this. Looking for places here at home with bm and I'm just a few weeks away. 2013 is off to a great start!

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