Thursday, July 19, 2012

A New Day

Woke this morning with a lil anger to go with my coffee. Angry at d at my situation at myself... what's another few drops in the bucket right?
Trying to forget last night and move on ASAP. How do I let go of so much? Mr. X, bless his heart, deserves none of my ill feelings. I feel like everything is being buried in a shallow grave and is bound to break the surface. Nothing ever really gets put to rest. Nothing ever crosses over, I've got so much that's been covered up (repressed) I could start my own haunted graveyard.
I'm not trying to bitch and moan, whine like a child who can't have their way, but I want to so bad. I apologize for all my ranting/venting. I don't want to feel this way. This just sets me back so much time wise and financially (not talking about cs). Fighting feeling defeated, everyday is a new day.

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