Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Daddy's Name is Donor

I've been reading a lot of stories from children from sperm donors and let me start by saying that these people have a right to feel however they feel period. I don't agree with all these feelings however. There seems to be a lot of bashing of the donor for wanting to be anonymous. Why? If you're in the hospital and you need blood you don't get mad because you don't know exactly who gave the blood to save your life so why get mad because you don't know who gave the seed to give you life. Though some personality traits can be genetic your genes don't make you who you are. He didn't give you away he made it possible for you to be here. You should be thanking this kind stranger. Even if he just did it for money (which is also a big reason people donate blood and plasma) so what? You're here! Be happy your parent/s not only wanted you enough to not give up but that people like your donor even took the time to donate their sperm instead of throw it away for real. Other than adopted children you are some of the most wanted children in the world. (Statistically most children conceived the "traditional way" weren't planned and there are no records of any "donor children" ending up an orphan) Who told you, you weren't complete because you've never met your donor. You may be technically genetically related be he is not your family. That's like saying your lesbian second mom isn't your mom because you don't share DNA or worse she's at best an aunt and her donor brother is your dad. Seriously? Now it is a lot your parent/s fault if you didn't find out until late in life. Pretending and lying will mess up your kid and makes them feel like their origin/conception is something to be ashamed of. Why hide the fact that now we live in a time where modern medicine allowed you to make your dreams come true. Your child is a blessing even more so because of how they got here. My child may not see it my way and that's his/her right but they'll have all the facts up front and be given the chance to make an informed well thought out opinion. Give credit where credit is due point your angry in the right direction then let it go. Life is meant to be lived. How you got here isn't as important as what you do once you're here.

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