Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yesterday marked the last day of riding the Red Dragon. Today I start temping and opks start CD 10! I'm excited to be finally on top of things and using all the stuffs I bought. For this cycle I'll be sure to share what I find and all that funness.

On a different note, I'm getting nervous/anxious about moving and a baby and my life really. I'm physically affected when I think about how close everything is cutting it. I wanted to be more prepared, yet I'm right on schedule. Hell lets face it I'm ahead of the game. So why am I so panicked? Why do I have such a lack of faith in myself? I know if just jump, my God will catch me, it'll be ok.

My bff, who I <3 dearly and has always been there for me, said something about how long all this planning has taken and everything that has been in the way before. That got me thinking, its like now that I can see the cliff my go to reflex is to retreat. But every day I'm still researching, still stepping in that direction. Part of me has been terrified and I honestly haven't noticed in a while. Soon I'll have to jump or go back and going back isn't an option. I'm too close to not try. I mean its my dream I'm going after, I have to try. Don't I?

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