Saturday, September 8, 2012


I once said you didn't need a speculum if doing in home inseming alone because you cant bend that way, well I found one on eBay for a lot cheaper than I expected so I am purchasing it to see if I can in fact bend that way. I believe that if I can get a magnified mirror I will be able to see my cervix and its position. I still do not recommend using it while actually inseming (I'll get to that) but for just viewing I think it may actually be beneficial. I hope to receive it in the mail in about a week then after "playing with myself" I will post again explaining what I did and my thoughts. I'm excited especially since I have never seen my cervix and therefore have never been able to track it. I'm purposely going over kill on all the tracking to A. give myself the best chance and B. cover all the basis for anyone interested. Temping seems difficult for some women to keep up with but if I can figure this out maybe someone will have a better chance of tracking o. Fx (fingers crossed) that I find some kind of way to figure this out. Wish me luck.


To be continued…

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